Love Like Jesus

A Little Basic Info About Kala Holton
Kala Holton
Married to a wonderful Christian husband, Together we have six wonderful children with seven amazing grandchildren. I love to write and having the support from all of them is a true blessing.
God made a huge change in my life in 2023. I became sick and He ensured my attention was on HIm and Him alone. A year later my life looks a lot different than before. Everyday I get to awaken and teach about how amazing our God is to our future generations.
I started writing when I was young a poem here a short story there. I had a poem published when i was in the sixth grade a teacher handled all of that for me and it was amazing to see it in print even at a young age.
I quit writing and didn't start back until my late twenties. And it was just short stories that I threw in the back of the closet it wasn't until God got ahold of me and showed me how much my stories were needed to help heal those that were broken that I began to get serious with my writing. August 31, 2019 Broken and Alone was released. And then followed two more. I will have several that release over the upcoming year. I hope that they inspire you to live life with Christ.

Speaking Engagements with Kala Holton
Author. Speaker
Sometimes I think through all of God's seriousness He must really have a sense of humor. He kept calling me to speak and I continued to say God I can't do this. I argued and denied this calling for longer than I can remember and then one day I said fine God I will speak I can't do this but I guess I have to show you. Well let me offer a piece of advice now "Just do what God is calling you to do save your I can'ts, save your breathe because when God is calling you he will equip you. The first time I was on stage there was not a moment I had no idea what I was going to say. God just used me to teach his women about him. The second time I spoke the words flowed again. And well several events later I am excited to see what God does at every event.

December 25, 2022
Shh! Is not for the faint of heart. This mystery thriller will take you on a roller coaster of emotions.
Girls are going missing in small towns across the country with no ending in sight. Daddy is working overtime trying to meet his quota for the trafficking ring. Twenty Six girls already missing in just the past month. Three girls have just gone missing from a small town in South Georiga. FBI Agent Jessica Lee is a fresh set of eyes on the case. Determined to catch the serial kidnapper called Daddy Jessica spends all her time chasing a ghost. These dead ends lead Jessica into a swarm of emotions and flashbacks of when she was kidnapped by a man that was never caught. Jessica finds herself face to face with Daddy in her dreams, in the shadows, in her home. Standing face to face with Daddy it all comes back to her this is the man that kidnapped her all those years ago. What does he want from her?
Final Decision: The Enhanced Edition
April 25, 2021
"Every decision we make has consequences. Those consequences either affect us or someone else. Karlyn never expected her father's decision that Thrusday afternoon to be one that would ever affect her but it snatched the rug out from under her feet. Scared of the news coverage and what people would think. Angry that this happened at all. She lashes out to the one she blames the most her sister, Chennile. Can the sisters make it through their father's decision? Or will it tear them farther apart? Join Kala on an unique ride of emotion as she tells of Karlyn's lack of good choices. And takes you down the path of Karlyn's own final decision and how she learns God always has the final say. And did I mention God's amazing Saving Grace.

Broken and Alone
August 31, 2019
I am extremely proud and honored to share my first book with you. Many know how hard it was for me to turn this book into a reality instead of just a dream. While maintaining a full time job, full time school schedule, and being a wife, mother and grandmother. While fiction I hope that this book inspires you to reach out to some organization to help with fostercare even if it is just to volunteer to bring someone an ice cream to make a bad day a better one.

Enriching lives one at a time. Through the story of Jesus Christ.
Hope for the broken.
Hope for the one's that ask Why Me?
Hope for the one's that ask Why Not Me?